Our Board Members

Mr Richard Homsany
Non-Executive Chairman
Mr Homsany is an experienced corporate lawyer who has extensive board and operational experience in the resources and energy sectors. He is Executive Chairman of ASX listed Toro Energy Limited (ASX:TOE), Executive Vice President, Australia of TSX listed Mega Uranium Ltd (TSX:MGA), Chairman of Health Insurance Fund of Australia Ltd and the principal of Cardinals Lawyers and Consultants, a boutique corporate and energy & resources law firm.

Mr Juan Pablo (‘JP’) Vargas de la Vega
Managing Director
JP is a Chilean/Australian mineral industry professional with over 20 years’ broad experience in ASX listed mining companies, stockbroking and private equity firms. JP has been a specialist lithium analyst in Australia, has also operated a private copper business in Chile and has worked for BHP, Rio Tinto and Codelco. He was the founder of Blue Sky Lithium Pty Ltd, the vendor of the original Argentinian assets and has been Galan’s Managing Director since mid 2018.

Mr Terry Gardiner
Non-Executive Director
Mr Gardiner has over 25 years’ experience in capital markets, stockbroking & derivatives trading and prior to that had many years trading in equities & derivatives for his family accounts. Currently a Director of boutique stockbroking firm Barclay Wells Limited, and a Non-Executive Director of Cazaly Resources Ltd and Charger Metals NL plus non-executive positions with other ASX listed entities.

Mr Daniel Jimenez
Non-Executive Director
Mr Jimenez is a civil industrial engineer and MBA who previously worked for the world leader in the lithium industry Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (NYSE:SQM, Santiago Stock Exchange: SQM-A, SQM-B) for 28 years based in Santiago, Chile, Belgium and the USA. His last position was as Senior Vice President Commercial Lithium, Iodine and Industrial Chemicals where he formulated the commercial strategy and marketing of SQM’s industrial products and was responsible for over US$900 million worth of sales.

Ms Claudia Pohl
Non-Executive Director
Ms Pohl is a civil industrial engineer with over 23 years’ senior executive experience at Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM NYSE:SQM, Santiago Stock Exchange: SQM-A, SQM-B) a world leader in the lithium industry. Since leaving SQM, she has been Managing Partner and General Manager of Chilean based Ad-Infinitum, a process engineering consultancy, with specific focus on lithium brine projects under study and development, and the associated project evaluations.